Traditional Chinese Medicine
Bring your body to balance and wellness
Whether you schedule an acupuncture or naturopathy appointment at our Milwaukee-area clinic, the treatment you receive will likely include elements from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Dating back thousands of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is widely known for combining acupuncture and herbology. Founded on the principle of Yin and Yang, the principle of the five elements, and the theory of Qi (pronounced chee), Chinese medicine is an evolutional treatment in modern Western civilization. In addition to the use of acupuncture and herbs, diet and exercise are fundamental to the practice of Chinese medicine.
At Integrative Health Services, we use a combination of patent herbal formulas, granulated teas, and raw herbs. Patent formulas are available in teapills, tablets, capsules, and tinctures, depending on the formula and patient preference. Raw herbs can be cooked in water and made into a tea to be sipped during the day. All use of herbal formulas is specific for the individual and determined after proper assessment using diagnostic tools of Traditional Chinese Medicine. An assessment may be a part of an overall treatment plan using acupuncture and other treatment modalities or using Chinese herbs and formulas separately.
When TCM can help
In general, Chinese medicine can be utilized in the treatment of problems and conditions including, but not limited to:
- headaches
- back and neck injury pain
- smoking cessation
- respiratory disorders
- gastrointestinal conditions
- urinary problems
- muscular-skeletal pain
- arthritis pain
- anxiety
- depression
- insomnia
- fibromyalgia
- fatigue
- stress
- infertility
- PMS and menopause
- allergies
- adverse reactions to radiation and chemotherapy
- sports injuries
- chronic and acute pain
- weight control
Beyond herbs: additional techniques
Depending on your condition, the practitioner might also employ accessory techniques other than acupuncture. Some of the other techniques that fall under the umbrella of TCM are:
- moxa (or moxibustion), an herbal heat application
- a TDP lamp, another form of heat therapy
- cupping, to encourage the flow of qi and blood to an area
- gua sha, to bring toxins to the surface of the skin where they can be released from the body
- electro-stim (or electro-stimulation acupuncture), to treat particular conditions or those who are fearful of needles