Dec 312011

It’s easy! And you can do it anywhere at anytime. With our new online scheduling program, you can now schedule from the website or on Facebook. Look for the Schedule Now button and click. That will open up the page to all the choices you have from Integrative Health Services! Explore the possibilities or schedule your “regular” service from us. Select the service desired, then, if needed, select the practitioner desired. Pick your date and time and you are all set. The program will send you a confirmation email that you have scheduled your appointment as well as sending you an email the day before the appointment.

If you need to cancel an appointment, that’s easy too. We just ask that you give us 24 hours notice so that we may offer that time slot to another patient.

4465 N. Oakland Ave, Suite 200 S    |    Milwaukee    |    414-906-0285    |

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